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Oud Amsterdam Salted Liquorice Liqueur

Oud Amsterdam Salted Liquorice Liqueur Liquorice has a long history dating back to the ancient Egyptians, who used it for its medicinal properties. It has a soothing effect on the throat and was used as a home remedy for colds. Fast forward to today, and in the...

Oud Amsterdam Crème Brûlée Liqueur

Oud Amsterdam Crème Brûlée Liqueur Crème brûlée, a dessert that’s as quintessentially French as the Eiffel Tower and croissants. Imagine the rich, creamy custard base topped with a contrasting layer of hard caramel, now captured in liquid form. That’s...

Oud Amsterdam Apple Pie Liqueur

Oud Amsterdam Apple Pie Liqueur Apple pie, a dessert that’s as Dutch as windmills and tulips. With its crumbly, buttery crust and deliciously spiced filling, this classic treat has been a staple at family gatherings and cafes for generations. Now, imagine...

Oud Amsterdam Stroopwafel Liqueur

Oud Amsterdam Stroopwafel Liqueur Originating in the Dutch city of Gouda in the late 18th century, artisans crafted stroopwafels or “caramel waffles” by skilfully sandwiching sweet syrup filling between two thin layers of baked dough. They quickly gained popularity...

Oud Amsterdam Perfect Happiness Liqueur

Oud Amsterdam Perfect Happiness Liqueur Volmaakt Geluk, translated to “perfect happiness” in English. It’s an old authentic Dutch liqueur. It is said that this liqueur is traditionally drunk by couple after having “perfect happiness” together....